
Today I celebrate my third birthday, little did I know when I nervously packed up my desk from my office job this time three years ago, that I would be sat here now an established photographer, with a large portfolio, regular income and still loving what I do. It feels very special to be able to type that.


It’s been a great year, and I’ve been very lucky to be involved in some memorable shoots and occasions – possibly the most unusual was a recent shoot with a sports team and a live owl! I’ve shot weddings (including rickshaw weddings), christenings, many professional portraits, parties, graduations and more.

I launched my new website .

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My site and logo were designed by a member of the awesome brandAnonymous team who I work with on various projects, including Flux’d – blending music and light together.


Personally it’s been a very special year, celebrating my dad’s 70th in Northumberland was both great fun (and a great excuse for photography too!). It’s also the year I’ve spent waiting to become an aunty with not long left to wait!

Another highlight was the super fun ‘bestie shoot’ I did with Claireabelle Makes and Jo from Hello Sunshine who overwhelmed me with their positive description of the session.


I have a great route I use around the streets of Cambridge for my portrait sessions and it was amazing fun to take Claire and Jo around this capturing some fun images for them.

I’ve been amazed at how my client page has been growing (although a lot remains private) and have taken some time in the last few days looking at everything I have achieved. Organising my website to display a clear portfolio has been useful and rewarding too.


I taught my first session, running a light painting workshop for e-Luminate Cambridge , with some amazing images being created. This album shows some of the output from the session.


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I continued working with the CamCycle (on a voluntary basis) capturing headshots for the committee and a front page or two. Inspired by the e-Luminate session I also ran a bike themed light painting session.


It hasn’t all been wonderful, I have had some periods this year where I’ve been so busy that cracks started developing. I had to refine my business process and remember to take time out for ‘holiday’ and recuperation. Freelance life is amazing, but it also brings a 24/7 working lifestyle. Whilst away, I often have to make client calls, send out quotes and deal with other customers queries. I am refining my processes and now am a lot better at balancing my week out between work and not work!

I realised some limitations with my kit but a very expensive trip to the Photography Show has resolved these issues, I can see the new kits’ impact on my work already. I would highly recommend a trip to the show if you are looking for new kit, I estimate I saved about £800 on various kit items.

I’ve had huge support from all sorts of people, other business owners, family (including my amazing mother who is also a photographer), my partner and friends over the building up of my business. Thank you to all of you. I’m so proud to be the owner and photographer of Lucinda Price Photography and my third birthday feels very special.

In summary I feel that this year has been about consolidation and confidence in the business. Another year of special, amazing and beautiful experiences.

Now I just need to see where Year 4 takes me?!



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